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Daimler Sports No.8


Bentley Tourer




Whilst the Tri-ang factory was still under fire from the enemy at the end of WW II, the Lines Bros had sufficient confidence in the future to write to their dealers overseas and suggest they might like to place Toys orders with them, for delivery they knew not when! That their confidence was shared by the dealers is not in doubt, for the Lines Bros received a splendid response! Within two days of V - day, Tri-ang was once again making toys and the 1947 catalogue was a measure of the really big task achieved in a little under two years.
This catalogue appeared April 10th 1947.

After the war Lines Bros produced their cars under the Tri-ang name, except as previously mentioned in Australia and Canada , where a licensing agreement meant Cyclops and Thistle could build the identical cars for their own markets. Because of the practice of building cars in various locations, there are some differences between the cars, and a Duke car from Canada is not the same as one built in South Africa . The Tri-ang Florida built in the UK is identical to the Tornado sold in South Africa, and we believe the cars were either pressed in the UK and painted /assembled in the various countries of destination, or imported as complete units.